The Academy of Philosophical Arts and Sciences International academic center for the free creation of thought, for the study and training of philosophical and artistic language and for teaching of contemporary Literature, Sciences and Arts promotes the VIII edition of International Academic Award of Contemporary Literature “LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA”.
Seneca, Roman philosopher, playwright and politician(Corduba, 4 a.C. – Roma, 65) aimed at the signification and enhancement of the creative expressions of the human, which opens up to the participation of works in prose and poetry, published or unpublished, by authors of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities.
No knowledge, even if excellent and healthy,
it will give me joy if I learn it for myself alone.
If wisdom were granted me with this limitation,
to keep it closed in me,
renouncing to spread it, I would refuse it.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Deadline for submitting the application for registration 31 May 2024
Award ceremony
19 October 2024
Hall of the Stables, Norman-Swabian Castle
Sannicandro di Bari (Italy)
Executive President of the Award
Massimo Massa
Honorary President of the Award
Corrado Calabrò
Commission President
Pasquale Panella
Artistic direction
Maria Teresa Infante
International Ambassadors
foreign category
Section S: single poem in a foreign language
maximum 2 (two) poems not exceeding 36 lines each.
Candidates must send their papers in the official language of their country of residence with a relative translation into Italian or English
Section Sep: book of poetry written in Italian
Candidates must send their works exclusively in electronic format (for section S, single poem: word or pdf format - Times New Roman font, 12 font, single line spacing) (for the Sep section word or pdf format) to the email address accademia.asf.seneca@gmail.com attaching, in separate files:
Participation form
Poems (for section S) or book (for section Sep)
Short biography
Personal photo in jpg format, in color, of good quality
Each candidate will receive from the secretariat, within 3 days of receiving the material, an e-mail with confirmation of admission to the Award and correct registration. Registrations that do not comply with the provisions of this regulation and are not regularized within the indicated deadline will not be taken into consideration.
The organization reserves the right to exclude from the Prize all compositions deemed offensive to public morality and civic sense, towards people and institutions, or have racist, xenophobic, blasphemous, pornographic or hate speech elements, violence, discrimination or acting as ideological, party and political proclamations.
The essays must be sent by 24:00 on May 31, 2024 (the date of sending the e-mail will be valid).
For participation in the Sep section - published poetry books, an amount of €10.00 must be paid as a contribution and support to cover organisational, secretarial and promotional costs.
The payment can be made via bank transfer made out to:
Accademia delle Arti e delle Scienze Filosofiche
IBAN: IT14Q 07601 04000 001057617977
Reason: registration fee SENECA Award VIII edition - Name of the Candidate - section
The Commission appointed by the organization of the Award is made up of authoritative personalities and exponents of the cultural, information and university teaching scene, poets and literary critics whose judgment is final and unappealable. The work of the Commission will be carried out in full compliance with the guidelines of the Academy.
The minutes drawn up by the Commission, with the ranking and special prizes for each section, will be published by July 2024 on the Academy website www.accademia-asf.it.
All candidates will be informed of the results of the Award by e-mail.
The The winners will receive a trophy if present at the awards ceremony, otherwise they will receive the academic parchment in digital format (pdf) to their email address.
The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday 19 October 2024 at the Hall of the Stables of the Norman Swabian Castle of Sannicandro di Bari (Italy), in the presence of well-known personalities from the world of culture, entertainment and municipal administration.
The winners will be informed of the outcome of the Prize in good time and will have to confirm their presence at the event. The event will be widely disseminated through the press, the web and local TV.
The organization does not provide any reimbursement for travel, hotel and other expenses.
For information on the Prize, visit the website: www.accademia-asf.it or write an email to:
More info about the submission process can be found HERE
Participation form can be found HERE