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Interview: Zlatan Demirović - On the Poetry Book “Actarium”

Zlatan Demirović

You have just published a new collection of poetry entitled ACTARIUM. Are these poems written over a long period of time, or was it a poetic charge and momentary inspiration?

I would like to start with our old folk quote:

“Every house but the carpenter's is fixed”. The selection of poems for this book was made under the pressure of the mentioned adage. It woke me up from my altruistic enthusiasm of daily diligent investment of energy in helping various poets to overcome the “publishing crisis”, as an effort to help myself, as well.

The selection of poems in the book ACTARIUM is the result of the intention to turn the unorganized list of poems written and published individually in the last few years into an edited concept, which could be called a new book of poetry.

You're right, it was a poetic charge and momentary inspiration.

How would you evoke ACTARIUM for your readers, what kind of imaginary space is it in which your poetry came to life?

ACTARIUM is an “imaginary” planet from an unknown constellation, whose name is a product of my son's imagination. As a three-year-old boy, he played the piano and composed music. In one of the songs, he sings about the Golden Sun and the planet ACTARIUM that produces music.

I was happy to lull him to sleep with his own songs. This event from the distant past left a deep impression on me and over the years I realized that a child's imagination carries the roots of past life experiences. I have no doubt about the existence of the planet ACTARIUM.

For me, it's an enigma that I still live with today, after 20 years, and I don't want to let it go into oblivion. My poetry lives in the same or similar world, so I couldn't have chosen a better title for the book.

What kind of feeling and experience would you like readers to “come out” of your poetic world after reading this book?

I would like the opposite, that anyone who “enters”, like me, never “exits” it. I believe that this is the path to truth, in the galaxy of searching for an explanation of the meaning of existence. This can open the way to the answer to all kinds of questions, to the one who really asks for it.

I would also, immodestly, share my highly developed senses for the sound of words, composition and rhythm with young unrealized poets in their search for self-realization.

Would you like to pick a poem that you are particularly inspired by and that has served to send a message to all those who read your poetry?

The whole world and the cosmos are made up of “invisible threads”, impulses, electromagnetic waves, i.e. light, which, from the spiritual world, flow through, to the creation of the material world. The only cohesive factor in all existence is love. It's no coincidence that the book begins with a poem, “YOUR EYES IN GLASS OF SORROW”.

It is a poem created 3-4 years ago and I can express that it carries an inner need for an ideal contemplation of that charge of energy.

Ther’s no coincidence, that it has experienced spontaneous translations into several languages, of which I would especially point out Spanish, by two giants, both official Nobel laureates, Carlos Hugo Garido Chalen, Chile, and, now deceased, Francisco Azuela Espinoza, Mexico.

That poem, in my opinion, managed to reach simplicity in the level of expression of inner energy that should adorn great works. It’s been also set to music, by myself. Modesty did not always adorn freaks.

Have you thought about maybe turning ACTARIUM into an audio edition or presenting one of the songs visually?

The release of an audiobook version on Amazon is also on the way. Occasionally, I use to accompany the written words with visual design, in my opinion that is very desirable.

Anyway, I leave the visual presentation of the poems themselves to art experts, conceptualists and talented artists, such as you, e.g.

Do you think that with this collection of poetry Zlatan Demirović has become a more mature man and poet, that he has picked up a certain knowledge, like when you collect pebbles on the path that leads to the desired goal or destination?

Yes, I do. ZD, is in a constant process of maturing the infantile into a more mature being, through learning, studying, passing important exams, through publishing new books.

ACTARIUM is a small diploma, which the student can boast of, primarily to his loved ones, who raised him and supported him artistically all the time, and now reside in Paradise.

All I can say, is that I won't give up on my studies and they won't have anything to be ashamed of.

Interview by: Dr. Ana Stjelja Gad



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